Your Sustainability Journey: The Future is Electric

Written by Rachel O'Toole

5 mins read

As your partners in fleet management, we map out every step of your journey to a zero-emissions fleet, making the transition as seamless as possible. We help businesses of all sizes meet and exceed the sustainability timelines put in place by the Irish government that will see one million electric vehicles on our roads by 2030.

Our missionis to create sustainable mobility solutions which enable our clients to thrive, reflect our commitment to sustainable mobility and the delivery of excellence in client service.

How we help you go green

We map out your current and future fleet’s CO2 emissions

The question is no longer if change will occur, but how it will occur. The speed of adoption of an electric future is unparalleled in the history of the motor industry. This is especially true in the European Union where incentives, regulations and penalties are influencing action. At NiftiBusiness we carry out analysis of your current fleet to ascertain what vehicles could be replaced with electric and whether they are fit for purpose. We know about what’s up and coming in the market and it’s an exciting road to be on.

We provide expert advice on the options available

We advise on what Hybrid or EV suits your business best. The EV market is growing rapidly and there are lots of options for going green. We advise on what’s new in the market and what suits your company’s needs and objectives.

When it comes to electric vehicle adoption, range anxiety is one of the biggest stumbling blocks new customers come to us with. We provide Electric Vehicle test drives for drivers to experience them first-hand. They can plan their routes and familiarise themselves with charging point locations relevant to them.

We calculate the financial benefits to your business

We carry out a whole life cost comparison. This gives a breakdown of the monthly rental costs to run either a diesel/petrol or an Electric Vehicle. We suggest an equivalent Electric Vehicle that suits our customer’s budget and ensure it fits their needs. 

We look at the benefits of going electric for a company. EVs offer savings on maintenance. Electricity is cheaper than fossil fuels and because there is no engine and an automatic gearbox, there’s very limited servicing. Other benefits include a reduced BIK for electric vehicles until 2025, fuel savings are typically €200 per month based on 20,000KMs p/y, and discounted tolls save up to €500 a year per vehicle. There is also lower road tax.

We facilitate your move to electric

We help convert your fleet from Petrol/Diesel to Hybrid/EV. Any purchasing discounts we get from manufacturers are passed on to our customers, as well as discounted servicing costs. We carry out extensive information gathering such as looking at current driver distances to inform new contracts. We even help with customers’ credit fund applications.

Our Driver Qualification questions make sure that the transition to electric is suitable for the customer at that time. Every customer is different and wants different things, we put together a list of the most suitable vehicles for a particular fleet and draft a bespoke implementation process. Once the transition is completed we manage the electric fleet for them.

Installation of office and home charger infrastructure

We help with installation of office/home chargers with our partners E-Station. We advise on managing fuelling of vehicles. We look at everything from the vehicle ordering, fleet and systems analysis and what suits our customer, both practically and financially. 

Continued reporting on reduction of emissions progress

Once our customers have embarked on their sustainability journey, we continue to provide reporting on their progress on emissions reductions and cost savings. We advise on the EVs coming onto the market and how they can move more vehicles to electric, in line with their sustainability targets. Our continuous live reporting keeps them informed and their business moving.

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